A framework for developing low-code toolsSunmao is an open source framework for low-code tools. You can integrate custom UI components in Sunmao to create your own low-code tools.
How to progressively develop a schedule management application with Sunmao ?
Create a schedule management UI interface.With Sunmao editor, you can easily compose a complete form and table. Looks good! But it is just a beginning.
Encapsulte a calendar component to replace the table.Calendar component is more suitable for displaying schedule than table. Normally low-code tools have limited built-in components, lack calendar component, and cannot be extended. Sunmao is just the framework born to solve these problems. Sunmao natively supports custom components. With just some code, you can encapsulate an existing calendar component into a Sunmao component.
import { Calendar, momentLocalizer } from 'react-big-calendar';
import moment from 'moment';
const localizer = momentLocalizer(moment);
const SunmaoCalendar = implementRuntimeComponent({
version: 'site/v1',
metadata: {
name: 'calendar',
displayName: 'Calendar',
spec: {
properties: Type.Object({}),
state: Type.Object({}),
methods: {},
slots: {},
styleSlots: [],
events: [],
})(({ elementRef }) => {
return (
defaultDate={new Date(2022, 5, 1)}
})(() => {
return <div>Calendar Placeholder</div>;

setup the component

Replace table component with calendar component.The Encapsulted Sunmao calendar component can be directly integrated into Sunmao editor, replacing the table component. You will feel the same as with the built-in components. With custom components, you can develop progressively, continuously enrich your components library, and iterate your application.
Sunmao has all the low-code features you need...
Flexible extensibilityComponent, logic, or even editor itself are all extensible. You can decide your own low-code tools.
Powerful GUI editorSunmao provides a powerful and perfect graphical low-code editor that can be used without programming background.
Type safetyWhether in the process of developing components or editing, you can always obtain type auto-inference and auto-completion.
Keep openWe are open for anyone to participate in the process from License to decision making.
Module mechanismModule mechanism allows users to reuse components and logic to improve development efficiency.
Code validationWith the built-in validator, you can detect any potential bug at an early stage and make the application more robust.
Copyright © 2022 SmartX Inc. All copyright reserved. Made with Sunmao.